COVID Giveback...
As of today, April 28, 2020,
this 15 page digital COVID related design printout
is available for $12
This digital package is filled with heartfelt sentiments relevant to COVID-19. Use the download in cardmaking and papercrafting projects. Simply print the pages on white card stock and cut out. The proceeds from this digital set will go to COVID-19 efforts. It will be so fun to see all the creativity we can share with each other. What will you make? I can't wait to see!!
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...AND THEN...
Place a $50 order with me no later than June 2nd
and receive my original COVID MASK KIT from me for
QUESTIONS??? Contact Me (I'm home 24/7)
EMAIL: [email protected]
TEXT-CELL: 360-936-2030
Linda Aarhus, Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, Vancouver, WA