These wrenches are for a man's man!! Grrrr! Metric Combination, Chrome Plated Vanadium Steel Wrenches! (Actually, they are made from Stampin' Up! papers with a little aluminum foil for the background.) But it doesn't matter to a guy... A tool is a tool is a tool...
And that's why your guy (hubby, son, brother, uncle, grandpa, friend), will love being the recipient of this card...
HERE'S HOW: 1. Place a double thickness of regular aluminum foil in the Square Lattice Embossing Folder and run it through the Big Shot Machine. (I didn't have any heavy aluminum foil, but it would likely work even better.) 2. Delicately trim the excess foil to desired size, handling carefully so you don't flatten the embossing. 3. Cut out corners with a 3/4" Circle Punch. 4. Adhere foil to card with Multipurpose Liquid Glue. 5. Add Metallic Silver Eyelets to the corners. 6. Cut and/or punch wrench pieces from Brushed Silver Card Stock and score handle for added dimension. 7. Lightly antique wrench edges with a Stamping Sponge and Basic Gray and Soft Suede Stampin' Pads. 8. Attach wrenches to card with Stampin' Dimensionals for visual depth.
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Supplies & Accessories: Stamp Set #115370 Teeny Tiny Wishes; Textured Card Stock #121078 Soft Suede; Card Stock #121045 Basic Black, #100712 Brushed Silver; Stampin' Pads #101179 Basic Black, #109120 Basic Gray, #115657 Soft Suede; Tools #108362 Crop-A-Dile, #101670 Stamping Sponge, 119976 Square Lattice Embossing Folder; Punches #119868 1" Circle, #119857 Word Window; #119858 Boho Blossoms, #119873 3/4" Circle; Embellishments #105319 Metallic Silver Eyelets; Adhesives #110755 Multipurpose Liquid Glue, #104430 Stampin' Dimensionals.
Linda Aarhus, Stampin' Up! Demonstrator