Since time began (or so it seems), Grandma has worn an apron, unless she's at church, of course. Here's one I made with pretty papers and bright ribbon to add to her collection...
Granddaughters wear her torn and tattered aprons proudly, and cherish those with white ruffles and handmade stitches, carefully tucked away in the big antique cedar chest.
I'm sure Grandma will like this apron card. I wonder where she'll hide it - and who will find it - and when that will be...
One thing I do know... with the exception of a few things like her aprons, Grandma has not accumulated earthly wealth. Her treasures are in heaven - and her heart is there also. Matthew 6:19-21.
Now that you mention it, I recall my Nana always in the kitchen and always in an apron. I hadn't thought of her in a while; thanks for bring back memories of family.
Posted by: Mary (aka Muffin's Mama) | 06/24/2010 at 05:59 PM
Your grandma will love it.
Posted by: lisa808 | 06/24/2010 at 03:30 PM
Just adorable! My grandmother was never without an apron!
Posted by: Ann Schach | 06/24/2010 at 12:39 PM
My mom worn an apron for as long as I can remember. I miss her everyday, but when I do see an apron, I think of her. Thanks for the memories.
Posted by: diane oliver | 06/24/2010 at 09:55 AM